
TacomaBeat.com is Tacoma's largest, most comprehensive Internet visitors guide with detailed listings and links of things to do and places to stay, eat, and shop as well as search for apartments or homes in all 76 Tacoma neighborhoods. The site serves a diverse audience encompassing residents, visitors, passer-byes, hipsters, fashionistas, techies, foodies, and health nuts.

TacomaBeat.com Logo

TacomaBeat needed a community website developed for both the City of Tacoma and neighboring cities to serve as a comprehensive online visitors guide with detailed things to do and where to stay, eat, and shop. They especially desired social media integration, including automatic posting to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.


With such a large and diverse a target audience, I jumped into action to develop a fun, easy to navigate responsive website and delivered the concept, site design, and development for the online magazine.


Software: Adobe Photoshop CC and Note Pad

Languages: HTML 5, CSS3, jQuery, PHP

CMS: WordPress