Counties Fiscal Sustainabilities

Created in 1906, WSAC serves members including elected county commissioners, council members, and executives from all of Washington’s 39 counties. WSAC provides a variety of services to member counties, such as advocacy, training and workshops, a worker’s compensation retrospective rating pool, and a forum to network and share best practices.

Washington State Association of Counties Logo

When WSAC’s representatives go to the State Capital, they have traditionally carried and distributed handouts to communicate their needs to legislators in a comprehensive format. These handouts are slowly becoming obsolete and the need has arisen to appeal to many younger, more tech-savvy legislators who do business with handheld mobile devices ie. smartphones and tablets.


To provide legislators with an option for online information in addition to the handouts, I provided the concept, design, and front-end development for the WSAC Fiscal Sustainability Project landing page. In addition to updating and printing the previously created handout / booklet, I developed the landing page that’s responsive to desktop, mobile and tablet devices. The landing page improved viewing, achieving 200+ hits per day.


Software: Adobe Photoshop CC and Brackets (Adobe)
Languages: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery